Work Order events

Events processed by Field Nation

Events Comments
FN_WO_APPROVED Triggers on Work order approval.
FN_WO_ASSIGNED Triggers on Work order assigned, routing accepted or swaps.
FN_WO_AT_RISK Triggers when FN systems detects work order is at Risk.
FN_WO_CANCELLED Triggers when the work order is cancelled.
FN_WO_CONFIRMED Triggers when work order is confirmed by the provider.
FN_WO_CREATED Triggers when the work order is first created, this is different from draft when work order goes directly from create to publish or route status.
FN_WO_CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE_UPDATED Triggers when every single custom field is updated.
FN_WO_DECLINED Triggers whenever a provider declines a work order, If 5 provider declines then it will trigger 5 times.
FN_WO_DELAYED Triggers when the work order status is set as delayed, usually refers to on hold status.
FN_WO_DELETED Triggers when work order is set to delete status, Which is usually a soft delete on Field Nation end.
FN_WO_DONE Triggers when the provider marks the work order as completed.
FN_WO_DRAFT Triggers when the work order is set to draft after a full successful creation event.
FN_WO_MESSAGE_POSTED Triggers whenever a message is posted to the work order.
FN_WO_ON_MY_WAY Trigger when the provider marks the work order as on my way.
FN_WO_PAID Trigger when payments are processed by Field Nation to pay the providers.
FN_WO_POSTPONED Triggers when the work order is put on hold for indefinite period.
FN_WO_PROVIDER_CHECKED_IN Triggers evertime when a provider does a check in on a work order.
FN_WO_PROVIDER_CHECKED_OUT Triggers evertime when a provider deos a check out on a work order.
FN_WO_PROVIDER_UPLOAD Triggers whenever a provider uploads a deliverable to the work order.
FN_WO_PUBLISHED Triggers when a work order is published.
FN_WO_ROUTED Triggers everytime a work order is routed to a provider, if you route to 10 then it will trigger 10 times.
FN_WO_SCHEDULE_UPDATED Triggers everytime when the schedule of the work order is updated.
FN_WO_SHIPMENT_UPDATED Triggers evertime when shipment information or status is updated.
FN_WO_STATUS_ROUTED Triggers when the work order is set to the routed status for the first time.
FN_WO_TASK_COMPLETED Triggers whenever a task in the work order is completed.
FN_WO_UNDECLINED Triggers when a provider remove the decline from the wokr order.
FN_WO_UPDATED Triggers when a work order basic information (title, description) is udpated.
Inbound Request From Field service. Triggers when you send a call to create or update a work order.