
Field Nation provides a Sandbox and Production environment. Both environments allow you to subscribe to real-time updates and access the Field Nation Platform. Each environment requires separate Authentication credentials.


The Field Nation Sandbox is a fully-functional development environment that allows you to test your integration before going live to Production (recommended). It offers an isolated space where you can register for work order updates and log in to the Field Nation Platform without changing any live work orders, clients, or projects.

Note: You'll need to Request Access to the Sandbox environment before getting started.

Link Type URL
Sandbox API https://micro.fndev.net/v1/webhook-sandbox/webhooks
Field Nation Platform https://app-sandbox.fndev.net/


You can use the URLs below to use the Webhooks REST API in Production. If your integration depends on any static data that you created in the Sandbox environment (e.g., templates, projects), you’ll need to recreate them in Production.

Note: You'll need to Request Access to the Production environment before getting started.

Link Type URL
Production API https://micro.fieldnation.com/v1/webhook/webhooks
Field Nation Platform https://app.fieldnation.com/login