
You can add Client Documents, Task attachments, and Deliverables from the Field Nation Platform. An Attachments Response returns a work order’s folders and the files included in each folder. Work order attachments will always be included in a folder by default.

Attachments Response

Parameter Type Example Mapping/Notes
sum object "sum": {
"unreviewed": 1
Total number of attachments Pending review.
metadata object "metadata": {
"total": 2
Total number of folders. New work orders will always have two by default.
results array "results": [
Documents Folder
Misc Folder
CustomFolder1 ]
Attachment responses can include three folder types: Documents (default), Misc (default), and Custom Folders (optional). Work orders will always have a Documents and Misc folder.


The Documents folder returns a slightly different response than the Misc and Custom Folder objects. Refer to Folders and Files for parameter details and additional examples.

Attachments Response, No Attachments
Attachments Response with multiple options

Work Order Attachments Response

You can locate attachments in the work order > attachments object.

"attachments": { }
Work Order Attachments Response, No Attachments