Update Location

Updates a location by work order id.


Environment Method URL
Sandbox https://api-sandbox.fndev.net/api/rest/v2/workorders/work_order_id/location
Production https://api.fieldnation.com/api/rest/v2/workorders/work_order_id/location

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Example Notes
work_order_id integer 1731 Work Order ID.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Example Notes
access_token string abc123defg459hijk786lmn45 Required.

Body Parameters

Body parameters will vary depending on your location mode. Refer to Work Order Locations for parameter details and examples.

Note: You must send all of the required parameters when you update a custom location, even if you're only updating a single parameter.


Custom Location


Returns the Work Order Location Response (without the “location”: label). Refer to Work Order Locations for parameter details and examples.


Standard HTTP and OAuth error codes.


400 Bad Request: Missing required parameter.

    "message": "Parameter \"mode\" is required and was not passed in request payload",
    "trace": [],
    "extra": []