Work Order Locations

A work order location object supports a Saved Location, Custom Location, or Remote Location. Below is a list of parameters, along with a JSON example for each option.

Use a Saved Location

Refer to Get Locations to return a list of your saved location ids. You can also click MANAGE > Locations from the Field Nation Platform.

Parameter Type Example Mapping/Notes
mode string “mode”: “location” Required to send a saved Location.
saved_location object “saved_location”:{
Saved Location id

Fixed Pay Examples

Create Work Order, Saved Location
Update Work Order, Saved Location

Use a Custom Location

Use an unsaved address.

Parameter Type Example Mapping/Notes
mode string “mode”: “custom” Required to send a custom Location.
display_name string “display_name”:“ABC Corp” Location > Location name. Optional.
address1 string “address1”:“123 Main Street” Location > Street Address.
address2 string “address2”:“Building 4C” Location > Address 2.
city string “city”:“Phoenix” Location > City.
state string “state”:“AZ” Location > State.
zip string “zip”:“85001” Location > Zip.
country string “country”:“US” Location > Country. Refer to Country Codes for a list of codes.
type object “type”:{
Location > Type. Optional.

Custom Location Examples

Create Work Order, Custom Location
Update Work Order, Custom Location

Use a Remote Location

This work order is for a remote provider and does not have a location.

Parameter Type Example Mapping/Notes
mode string “mode”: “remote” Required to send a remote Location.

Remote Location Examples

Create Work Order, Remote Location
Update Work Order, Remote Location

Work Order Location Response

You can locate work order location information in the work order > location object.

"location": { }

Work order location responses will vary depending on the location mode. The work order saved location response includes notes, location contact, location group, and location attributes.

Work Order Location Response, Saved Location
Work Order Location Response, Custom Location
Work Order Location Response, Remote Location