
The schedule object is used to specify whether providers should Arrive at a specific date and time, Complete work between specific hours, or Complete work anytime over a date range. You can set these options using the schedule > service_window object.

Note: When you use UTC dates and times, the Field Nation Platform will automatically assign the correct time zone. Your local time zone information is included in the schedule Response. Passing UTC dates and times will also ensure the correct time zone when you're using a Remote Location.

Below is a list of the service_window parameters, along with a JSON example for each option.

Arrive at a specific date and time

Parameter Type Example Mapping/Notes
mode string "mode":"exact" Arrive at start date and time.
start object "start":{
"utc":"2018-11-07 13:00:00"
UTC date and time in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Exact Date/Time Examples

Create Work Order, Exact Date/Time
Update Work Order, Exact Date/Time

Complete work between specific hours

Parameter Type Example Mapping/Notes
mode string "mode":"hours" Complete work from start date to end date, only between the hours of start time and end time.
start object "start":{
"utc":"2018-11-07 13:00:00"
Start date and earliest time. UTC date and time in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
end object "end":{
"utc":"2018-11-08 15:00:00"
End date and latest time for each day. The end date can be the same as the start date. UTC date and time in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Between Specific Hours Examples

Create Work Order, Between Specific Hours
Update Work Order, Between Specific Hours

Complete work anytime over a date range

Parameter Type Example Mapping/Notes
mode string "mode":"between" Complete work from start date/time to end date/time.
start object "start":{
"utc":"2018-11-07 13:00:00"
Start date and time. UTC date and time in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
end object "end":{
"utc":"2018-11-08 22:00:00"
End date and time. UTC date and time in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.

Anytime Over Date Range Examples

Create Work Order, Anytime Over Date Range
Update Work Order, Anytime Over Date Range

Work Order Schedule Response

You can locate schedule information in the work order > schedule object.

"schedule": { }
Work Order Schedule Response