Webhooks Object

A Webhooks object includes your endpoint URL and the real-time updates you’d like to receive.

Webhooks Object

Parameter Type Example Mapping/Notes
_id string "_id": "5a1c3942b6d6e80261167a1c" Field Nation Webhooks ID. Read-only.
company_id integer "company_id": 183 Your Company ID. Refer to Locate Your Company ID for more information.
user_id integer "user_id": 756 Webhooks User ID. Optional.
url string "url": "https://requestb.in/yricywyr1" Field Nation will send requests to this URL.
method string "method": "POST" Your endpoint method type.
active boolean "active": true Webhook status. true or false.
secret string "secret": "abcde42a8f6c09545b3bedbe2ab45a50" Optional. Refer to Securing Webhooks for more information.
events array

"events": ["workorder.created", "workorder.paid"]
Event and Status triggers. Refer to ? for more information. Use an empty array to subscribe to all updates: "events": [].
no_retries boolean "no_retries": true Refer to Error Handling for more information.
notification array

  "notification": {
        "too_many_waiting": {
            "email_addresses": [

        "max_retry": {
            "email_addresses": [
        "too_many_fails": {
            "email_addresses": [
Optional, can be set in both create and update methods


Work Order Created
Webhooks Object, with Secret
Webhooks Object, All Events
Webhooks Object, No Retries